Help / Getting Started


Welcome to the Fendous Customer Relationship Management (CRM)! This user manual will guide you through all the features and functionalities of the Fendous CRM platform, It helps you keep track of all your customers and sales in one place. Whether you're the boss, an employee, or a team leader, Fendous has tools to make your job easier.

Getting Started

1. System Requirements

To use Fendous CRM, ensure your system meets the following requirements:

  • A modern web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari etc.)
  • Internet connection

2. Account Creation

1. Open your web browser and visit “”

2. Look for a "Get started" button located at the top right corner of the page.

3. Complete all required fields such as your name, business email, your email, password, select plan, plan amount, credit card number, expiration date, security code then click on Get Started button

4. You need to confirm the terms of service and privacy policy to create your account.

Login to Fendous CRM

  • 1. Open your web browser and visit “”
  • 2. Click on "Log in" button located at the top right corner of the page.
  • 3. Enter your email address and click on continue button
  • 4. Enter your password and click on Sign in button

  • Dashboard Overview

    Upon logging in, you will be directed to the dashboard. The dashboard provides a summary of Admin, Manager, and Employee CRM activities. It includes:

  • Admin CRM: Designed for administrators who need to manage and maintain the CRM system. it provides advanced analytics, reporting tools, and task management features.
  • Manager CRM: Designed for managers who need to oversee and manage their team's customer relationships. Provides advanced analytics, reporting tools, and task management feature
  • Employee CRM: Designed for employees who need to manage their own customer relationships. Provides tools for tracking customer interactions, scheduling follow-ups, and managing leads and deals.
  • Log Out: Allows you to securely log out of Fendous CRM

  • Profile Settings

    • 1. Click on Profile.
    • 2. Update your personal information and click UPDATE button

    User Roles

    Admin: Responsible for managing the entire CRM system, including user accounts, data, and system settings. Provides advanced analytics and reporting tools.

    Manager:Oversees and manages a team's customer relationships. Has access to team performance metrics and tools for managing tasks and customer interactions.

    Employee: Focuses on individual customer relationships. Manages leads, deals, and customer interactions.

    Admin CRM

    Admin Dashboard :The Admin Dashboard offers a customizable view of your CRM data. You can filter information based on various criteria such as region, employee, deal stage, date, and the dashboard will visually represent the results as graphs and charts. This gives you a quick and easy way to understand your CRM's performance

    How to Filter on Admin Dashboard

    You can customize the data by using the options in the Filter section.

    1. Click on the "Dashboard" tab. This will take you to the main overview of your CRM data.

    2. Region: You can select all regions or a specific region (e.g., AMER: Americas, APAC: Asia Pacific, EMEA: Europe, Middle East and Africa).

    3. Employee: You can select all employees or a specific employee.

    4. Deal Stage: You can filter deals based on their stage (e.g., Any, Appointment Scheduled, Needs Confirmed, Demo Given, Fit Established, Proposal Sent, Agreement Reached, Closed Won, Closed Lost).

    5. Date Range: You can specify a date range to view data for a specific period.

    6. Click on the "SEARCH" button after selecting your desired filters. You will see the results displayed in various charts and graphs, such as bar charts, line graphs, and pie charts.

    Admin CRM

    Manage Contacts

    Manage Contacts offers admin users full control over the Fendous CRM's contact list. Add, edit, or delete contacts to keep information correct and current.

    How to Add a New Contact

    1. Navigate to Manage Contacts:

  • First, go to the top menu and click on "Manage Contacts."
  • 2. Add a New Contact:

  • After selecting "Manage Contacts," click on the "Add Contact" option.
  • 3. Fill in the Ad New Contact Form:
    A form will appear where you need to enter the contact details:

    • First Name and Last Name: Enter the contact’s first and last name.
    • Mobile Phone: Enter the contact's mobile number.
    • Business Name and Business Email: Enter the contact's business name and email address.
    • Address: Fill in the contact's address.
    • Region: Select a specific region from the dropdown menu (e.g., AMER: Americas, APAC: Asia Pacific, EMEA: Europe, Middle East and Africa).
    • CVR/TAXID: Enter the contact's tax identification number.
    • Ad Protection: Choose "Yes" or "No" depending on whether the contact needs ad protection.
    • Company Name: Enter the contact's company name.
    • Business Website: Add the contact's business website.
    • Business Phone Number and Business LinkedIn: Enter the business phone number and LinkedIn profile.
    • Comments: Add any additional notes or comments.
    • Status: Select the current status of the contact from the dropdown menu. Options include: Prospect (potential customer), Disqualified (not a good fit), Customer (made a purchase), Cancelled (deal cancelled).

    4. Submit the Form:
    Click on the submit button to add the contact.

    How to Manage Existing Contacts

    1. Access the Manage Contacts Page:

  • Navigate to the "Manage Contacts" option from the top menu to see a list of all contacts.
  • 2. Search for a Contact:

  • At the top of the page, you can filter contacts by Name, Email, Status, Region, or Assigned To.
  • Enter the relevant information in the fields and click the "Search" button to filter the contacts.
  • To reset the filters, click the "Reset" button.
  • 3. Edit or Delete a Contact:

  • In the list of contacts below the search options, you will see an "Edit" and "Delete" option next to each contact.
  • To Edit a Contact: Click on "Edit" to modify the contact's details.
  • To Delete a Contact: Click on "Delete" to remove the contact from the system.

  • Admin CRM
    Manage Users

    The Manage Users menu allows you to manage all the users within the CRM System. Through this menu, you can add new users, update existing user information, or delete users.

    It provides two main options:

  • Add User: This option is used to add a new user. You can enter details such as the user's name, email, department, and role, and then add them to the system.
  • All Users: This option takes you to a page where you can view all the existing users in the system. From this page, you can edit or delete users.
  • Adding a New User

    1. Navigate to Manage Users: On the top menu, click on "Manage Users."

    2. Access the Add User Form: Select "Add User from the manage users dropdown menu. This will bring you to the "Add New User" form.

    3. Fill Out the User Details:

  • First Name and Last Name: Enter the user’s first and last names.
  • Title: Fill in the user’s job title.
  • Department: Select the appropriate department from the dropdown menu.
  • Role: Choose the user’s role from the dropdown menu.
  • Email: Enter the user’s email address.
  • Phone: Fill in the user’s phone number.
  • Active: Check this box if the user should be marked as active.
  • 4. Submit the Form:
    Click the "Submit" button located at the bottom of the form to add the user to the CRM system.

    How to Manage Existing Users

    1. Access the Manage Users Page:

  • Navigate to the "Manage Users" option from the top menu to see a list of all users.
  • 2. Search for a user:

  • At the top of the page, you can filter users by Name, Department, Region, Role or Active.
  • Enter the relevant information in the fields and click the "Search" button to filter the users.
  • 3. Edit or Delete a User:

  • In the list of users below the search options, you will see an "Edit" and "Delete" option next to each user.
  • To Edit a User: Click on "Edit" to modify the user's details.
  • To Delete a User: Click on "Delete" to remove the user from the system.

  • Admin CRM
    Manage Sales

    Manage Sales module allows you to oversee various aspects of your sales process. Here's a breakdown of each tab:

  • Deals: Track your sales opportunities from initial contact to closing.
  • Emails: Manage all email communications related to your sales.
  • Calls: Keep a record of all phone calls made or received for your sales.
  • Notes: Take notes, set reminders, and track tasks related to your sales.
  • How to Manage Your Deals in Admin CRM

    The Deals tab helps you keep track of all your potential sales. It shows you where each deal is in the sales process, how much it's worth, and lets you add notes about each one.

    Here's how it works:

    1. Getting to Deals: Click on "Manage Sales" at the top of the page, then select "Deals" from the dropdown menu.

    2. Viewing Your Deals: You'll see a list of all your deals. Each row represents a different deal.

  • Date: This column shows you when the deal was created.
  • Logged By: This shows you which team member is responsible for the deal.
  • Deal Stage: This tells you where the deal is in the sales process (e.g. New, Proposal Sent, Won, Lost).
  • Deal Amount: This is the potential value of the deal.
  • Deal Amount: This is the potential value of the deal. Comments: Click in this column to add or view notes about the deal. This is a great place to keep track of conversations and progress.
  • File: You can upload files related to each deal, such as proposals or contracts. Click "Choose File" to add a file.
  • 3. Filtering Your Deals: You can use the Loggedby dropdown menu above the deals table to filter the deals you want to see. For example, you can choose to only see deals logged by a specific team member.

    4. Adding a New Deal: Fill in all required fields in the first row and then click on the "ADD" button.

    5. Updating a Deal: To change the details of an existing deal, click the "Edit" button located at the end of the deal row.

    6. Deleting a Deal: To remove a deal completely, click the "Delete" button located at the end of the deal row.

    How to Manage Your Emails in Admin CRM

    The Emails tab provides a record of email activities related to your sales deals.

    Here's how it works:

    1. Getting to Emails: Click on "Manage Sales" at the top of the page, then select "Emails" from the dropdown menu.

    2. Viewing Your Emails: Fill in all required fields in the first row and then click on the "ADD" button.

  • Date: When the email activity occurred.
  • Comments: A brief description of the email or action (e.g., Proposal sent, Received confirmation).
  • Logged By: The fendous CRM user who recorded the activity.
  • Email: The email address involved.
  • 3. Filtering Emails: You can use the "Logged By" dropdown to filter emails by user. For example, view only emails logged by a specific team member.

    4. Adding an Email Activity: Fill in all required fields in the first row and then click on the "ADD" button.

    5. Updating an Email Activity: Click the "Edit" button at the end of the email row to make your changes.

    6. Deleting an Email Activity: Click the "Delete" button at the end of the email row.

    How to Manage Your Calls in Admin CRM

    Admin CRM's Calls section lets you record, track, and manage sales call details, improving follow-up and boosting sales.

    Here's how it works:

    1. Getting to Calls: Click on "Manage Sales" at the top of the page, then select "Calls" from the dropdown menu.

    2. Viewing Your Calls:You'll see a list of all your calls associated with your sales deals. Each row represents a different call activity.

  • Date: The date the call took place or is scheduled for.
  • Call Type: Categorize your calls (e.g. First Outreach, Demo and Presentation, Follow-up).
  • Call Outcome: Record the result of the call (e.g. Connected, Busy, No Answer).
  • Comments: Add notes about the call's content, key takeaways, or action items.
  • Logged By: Shows which user logged the call. This is important for team responsibility.
  • 3. Filtering Calls: You can use the "Logged By" dropdown to filter calls by user. For example, view only calls logged by a specific team member.

    4. Adding a Call Activity: Fill in all required fields in the first row and then click on the "ADD" button.

    5. Updating a Call Activity: Click the "Edit" button at the end of the call row to make your changes.

    6. Deleting a Call Activity: Click the "Delete" button at the end of the call row.

    How to Manage Your Notes in Admin CRM

    The Notes tab within Admin Manage Sales allows you to view, search, and manage all notes related to your sales activities.

    Here's how it works:

    1. Getting to Notes: Click on "Manage Sales" at the top of the page, then select "Notes" from the dropdown menu.

    2. Viewing Your Notes: You'll see a list of all your notes associated with your sales deals. Each row represents a different note activity.

  • Date: The date the note was created.
  • Notes: The content of the note.
  • Attachment: Allows you to attach a file to the note.
  • Logged By: The user who created the note.
  • 3. Filtering Notes: You can use the "Logged By" dropdown to filter notes by user. For example, view only notes logged by a specific team member.

    4. Adding a Note Activity: Fill in all required fields in the first row and then click on the "ADD" button.

    5. Updating a Note Activity: Click the "Edit" button at the end of the note row to make your changes.

    6. Deleting a Note Activity: Click the "Delete" button at the end of the note row.

    Manager CRM

    Manager Dashboard : The Manager Dashboard provides a visual overview of your team's sales performance, allowing you to track key metrics and identify trends. You can filter the displayed information by region, employee, deal stage, and date range.

    How to Filter on Manager Dashboard

    You can customize the displayed data by applying filters at the top of the dashboard:

    1. Click on the "Dashboard" tab. This will take you to the main overview of your CRM data.

    2. Employee: You can select "Any" to view data for all employees or select a specific employee from the Employee dropdown menu.

    3. Deal Stage: You can filter deals based on their stage (e.g., Any, Appointment Scheduled, Needs Confirmed, Demo Given, Fit Established, Proposal Sent, Agreement Reached, Closed Won, Closed Lost).

    4. Date (From): You can specify the starting date to view data for a specific period.

    5. Date (To): You can specify the ending date to view data for a specific period.

    Manager CRM

    Manage Contacts

    Manage Contacts offers manager users full control over the Fendous CRM's contact list. Add, edit, or delete contacts to keep information correct and current.

    How to Add a New Contact in Manager CRM

    1. Navigate to Manage Contacts:

  • First, Log in to your manager CRM account then go to the top navigation bar ,and click on "Manage Contacts."
  • 2. Add a New Contact:

  • After selecting "Manage Contacts," click on the "Add Contact" option.
  • 3. Fill in the Add New Contact Form:
    A form will appear where you need to enter the contact details:

  • Representative First Name & Last Name: Enter the contact’s full legal name.
  • Email: Enter the contact's primary email address.
  • Mobile Phone: Enter the contact's mobile phone number.
  • Address 1: Provide the first line of the contact's address.
  • Address 2: Enter the second line of the address if applicable.
  • City: Specify the city where the contact is located.
  • State: Enter the state where the contact is located.
  • Zip: Provide the zip or postal code for the contact's address.
  • Company: Enter the name of the company the contact is associated with.
  • Company Website: Provide the URL of the contact's company website.
  • Business Phone Number: Enter the main phone number for the contact's workplace.
  • TaxID or CVR: Enter any relevant tax identification numbers for the contact or their company.
  • Ad Protection: Choose "Yes" or "No" if the contact requires ad protection.
  • Assigned To: Select the appropriate sales representative or team member responsible for this contact from the Assigned To dropdown menu.
  • Status: Choose the contact's current status from the dropdown menu. Options may include "Prospect," "Disqualified," "Customer," "Cancelled," or others based on your CRM setup.
  • 4. Submit the Form: Click on the submit button to add the contact.

    How to Manage Existing Contacts in Manager CRM

    1. Access the Manage Contacts Page:

  • Log in to your Manager CRM account.
  • Click on the "Manage Contacts" option from the top navigation bar.
  • 2. Viewing Contact Information: Upon entering "Manage Contacts," you'll see a list of all existing contacts within a table. The table displays key information:

  • Full Name: The complete name of each contact.
  • Email: The associated email address for each contact.
  • Mobile Phone: The contact's mobile phone number.
  • Status: The current status of each contact (e.g. Cancelled, Customer, Disqualified, Prospect).
  • Assigned To: The sales representative or team member responsible for each contact.
  • Actions: Options to "Edit" (pencil icon) or "Delete" (X icon) each contact.
  • 3. Searching for Specific Contacts:

  • To find a particular contact quickly, use the filtering options above the contact list.
  • Use the search bar to filter contacts by name, email, status, or assigned representative.
  • After entering your filter criteria, click the "SEARCH" button to display the filtered results.
  • 4. Editing or Deleting a Contact:

  • Editing a Contact: Click the "Edit" (pencil icon) button next to the contact you want to modify. This will open the contact's details, allowing you to update their information. Once done, remember to click update button to save your changes.
  • Deleting a Contact: Click the "Delete" (X icon) button next to the contact you want to remove. Confirm the deletion when prompted. Please note that deleting a contact is permanent and cannot be undone.
  • Manager CRM

    Manage Employees

    The Manage employees tab allows you to manage all the employees within the CRM System. Through this menu, you can add new employees, update existing employees information, or delete employees.
    It provides two main options:

  • Add Employees: This option is used to add a new employee. You can enter details such as the employee's first name, last name, title, department, email, phone, active and then add them to the system.
  • All Employees: This option takes you to a page where you can view all the existing employees in the CRM system. From this page, you can edit or delete employees.
  • Adding a New Employee in Manager CRM

    1. Navigate to Manage Employees:

  • Log in to your Manager CRM account.
  • On the top menu, click on "Manage Employees.
  • 2. Access the Add Employee Form:

  • Click on "Manage Employees" in the top navigation bar.
  • Select "Add Employees" option from the Manage Employees dropdown menu.
  • 3. Out the Employee Details:

  • First Name: Enter the employee's first name.
  • Last Name: Enter the employee's last name.
  • Title: Specify the employee's job title within the company.
  • Department: Select the department the employee belongs to from the department dropdown menu.
  • Email: Provide the employee's professional email address.
  • Phone: Enter the employee's direct phone number or company extension.
  • 4. Submit the Form:
    Click the "Submit" button located at the bottom of the form to add the employee to the CRM system.

    How to Manage Existing Employees in Manager CRM

    1. Accessing "Manage Employees":

  • Log in to your Manager CRM account.
  • Click on the "Manage Employees" option from the top navigation bar.

    2. Viewing Employee Information: Upon accessing the "Manage Employees" section, you will see a table listing all existing employees. The table displays important details for each employee:

  • Name: The employee's full name.
  • Title: Their job title within the organization.
  • Department: The department they belong to.
  • Role: Their designated role within the CRM (e.g. Employee, Manager).
  • Region: The geographical region they are responsible for.
  • Manager: The name of their direct manager.
  • Active: Indicates whether the employee account is currently active.
  • 3. Searching for Specific Employees:

  • To easily find a particular employee, use the filtering options located above the employee list:
  • Use the search bar to filter contacts by name, title, department or active.
  • After entering your filter criteria, click the "SEARCH" button to display the filtered results.
  • 4. Editing or Deleting a Contact::

  • Editing an Employee: Click the "Edit" (pencil icon) button next to the employee you want to modify. This will open their detailed information, allowing you to make changes. Once done, remember to click update button to save your changes.
  • Deleting an Employee: Click the "Delete" (X icon) button next to the employee you want to remove. Confirm the deletion when prompted. Please note that deleting an employee is permanent and cannot be undone.
  • Manager CRM

    Manage Sales

    The Manage Sales module is your central hub for overseeing and streamlining your sales process.

    Here's a breakdown of each tab:

  • Deals: Monitor your sales pipeline effectively. Track individual opportunities from the initial contact through each stage to closing.
  • Emails: Manage all your sales-related email correspondence. Keep a record of communications, ensuring seamless follow-ups and organized outreach.
  • Calls: Log and track every phone call connected to your sales activities. Maintain a comprehensive history of conversations, outcomes, and next steps.
  • Notes: Capture important details, set reminders for follow-ups, and manage tasks associated with your sales activities, ensuring nothing slips through the cracks.
  • How to Manage Your Deals in Manager CRM

    The Deals tab helps you track and manage your potential sales opportunities. It provides an overview of each deal's progress, value, and allows you to maintain detailed notes and attachments for each opportunity.

    Here's how it works:

    1. Getting to Deals: Click on the "Manage Sales" tab in the top navigation bar. Select "Deals" from the manage sales dropdown menu.

    2. Viewing Your Deals: The Deals table displays a list of all your sales opportunities. Each row represents a separate deal, and the columns provide key information:

  • Date: This column displays the date the deal was created.
  • Notes: This column displays any notes added to the deal. You can add or edit notes by clicking on the cell in this column for the specific deal.
  • Attachment: You can upload files relevant to a deal, such as proposals or contracts. Click the "Choose File" button to browse and select a file from your computer.
  • LoggedbyID: This column indicates the team member responsible for managing the specific deal.
  • 3. Filtering Your Deals: Use the "Loggedby" dropdown menu above the Deals table to filter and display deals handled by a specific team member. Select "All" to view all deals.

    4. Adding a New Deal:Enter the relevant details in the empty row at the top of the table. Click the "ADD" button to create the new deal.

    5. Updating an Existing Deal: To change the details of an existing deal, click the "Edit" button located at the end of the deal row.

    6. Deleting an Existing Deal:To remove a deal completely, click the "Delete" button located at the end of the deal row. Confirm the deletion when prompted.

    How to Manage Your Emails in Manager CRM

    The Emails tab provides a record of email activities related to your sales deals.

    Here's how it works:

    1. Getting to Emails:Click on "Manage Sales" at the top of the page, then select "Emails" from the manage sales dropdown menu.

    2. Viewing Your Emails: The Emails tab displays a table with the following columns:

  • Date: When the email activity occurred.
  • Comments: A brief description of the email or action (e.g., Proposal sent, Received confirmation).
  • Logged By: The fendous CRM user who recorded the activity.
  • Email: The email address involved.
  • 3. Filtering Emails: You can use the "Loggedby" dropdown menu above the Emails table to filter and display emails activity handled by a specific team member. Select "All" to view all emails activity.

    4. Adding an Email Activity:Enter the relevant details in the empty row at the top of the table. Click the "ADD" button to create the new email activity.

    5. Updating an Email Activity: To change the details of an existing email activity, click the "Edit" button located at the end of the email row.

    6. Deleting an Email Activity: To remove an email activity completely, click the "Delete" button located at the end of the email row. Confirm the deletion when prompted.

    How to Manage Your Calls in Manager CRM

    Manager CRM's Calls tab lets you record, track, and manage sales call details, improving follow-up and boosting sales.

    Here's how it works:

    1. Getting to Calls: Click on "Manage Sales" at the top of the page, then select "Calls" from the dropdown menu.

    2. Viewing Your Calls: You'll see a list of all your calls associated with your sales deals. Each row represents a different call activity.

  • Date: The date the call took place or is scheduled for.
  • Call Type: Categorize your calls (e.g. First Outreach, Demo and Presentation, Follow-up).
  • Call Outcome: Record the result of the call (e.g. Connected, Busy, No Answer).
  • Comments: Add notes about the call's content, key takeaways, or action items.
  • Logged By: Shows which user logged the call. This is important for team responsibility.
  • 3. Filtering Calls: You can use the "Loggedby" dropdown menu above the Calls table to filter and display calls activity handled by a specific team member. Select "All" to view all calls activity.

    4. Adding a Call Activity:Enter the relevant details in the empty row at the top of the table. Click the "ADD" button to create the new call activity.

    5. Updating a Call Activity: To change the details of an existing call activity, click the "Edit" button located at the end of the call row.

    6. Deleting a Call Activity: To remove a call activity completely, click the "Delete" button located at the end of the call row. Confirm the deletion when prompted.

    How to Manage Your Notes in Manager CRM

    The Notes tab within Manager Manage Sales allows you to view, search, and manage all notes related to your sales activities.

    Here's how it works:

    1. Getting to Notes: Click on "Manage Sales" at the top of the page, then select "Notes" from the dropdown menu.

    2. Viewing Your Notes: You'll see a list of all your notes associated with your sales deals. Each row represents a different note activity.

  • Date: The date the note was created.
  • Notes: The content of the note.
  • Attachment: Allows you to attach a file to the note.
  • Logged By: The user who created the note.
  • 3. Filtering Notes: You can use the "Loggedby" dropdown menu above the Notes table to filter and display notes activity handled by a specific team member. Select "All" to view all notes activity.

    4. Adding a Note Activity:Enter the relevant details in the empty row at the top of the table. Click the "ADD" button to create the new note activity.

    5. Updating a Note Activity: To change the details of an existing note activity, click the "Edit" button located at the end of the note row.

    6. Deleting a Note Activity: To remove a note activity completely, click the "Delete" button located at the end of the note row. Confirm the deletion when prompted.

    Employee CRM

    Employee Dashboard : Employee Dashboard provides a snapshot of your individual sales performance, highlighting key metrics and trends over time. Use this dashboard to track your progress, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions.

    How to Filter on Employee Dashboard

    The Employee CRM dashboard allows you to filter information based on Deal Stage and Date. Here's how:

    Deal Stage:

  • Click on the dropdown menu under "Deal Stage".
  • Select the desired deal stage you want to filter by (e.g., Any, Appointment Scheduled, Needs Confirmed, Demo Given, Fit Established, Proposal Sent, Agreement Reached, Closed Won, Closed Lost).
  • Date:

  • Date (From): Click on the calendar icon next to "Date (From)" and choose the starting date for your filter.
  • Date (To): Click on the calendar icon next to "Date (To)" and choose the end date for your filter.
  • Apply Filter:

  • Once you have selected your desired filters, click the "SEARCH" button to apply the filters and view the filtered results.
  • This will display the dashboard information that matches your selected criteria for Deal Stage and Date range.
  • Employee CRM

    Manage Contacts

    The "Manage Contacts" tab in the Employee CRM allows you to manage all your contact information efficiently. It acts as a centralized hub for storing and organizing details about clients, vendors, partners, or any other relevant individuals or entities you interact with.

    How to Add a New Contact in Employee CRM

    1. Navigate to Manage Contacts:

  • First, Log in to your Employee CRM account then go to the top navigation bar ,and click on "Manage Contacts."
  • 2. Add a New Contact:

  • After selecting "Manage Contacts," click on the "Add Contacts" option.
  • 3. Fill in the Add New Contact Form: A form will appear where you need to enter the contact details:

  • First Name: Enter the contact's first name.
  • Last Name: Enter the contact's last name.
  • Business Email: Provide the contact's professional email address.
  • Mobile Phone: Enter the contact's mobile phone number.
  • Business Phone Number: Enter the contact's business phone number.
  • Company: Specify the company the contact is associated with.
  • Website: Enter the company's website address, If applicable.
  • Address 1: Provide the first line of the contact's address.
  • Address 2: Enter the second line of the address if applicable.
  • City: Specify the city where the contact is located.
  • State: Enter the state where the contact is located.
  • Zip: Provide the zip or postal code for the contact's address.
  • Country: Specify the country where the contact is located.
  • CVR(Central Register of Businesses)/TaxID(Tax Identification Number): Enter any relevant tax identification numbers for the contact or their company.
  • Ad Protection: Select "Yes" or "No" if the contact requires ad protection.
  • Status: Select the contact's current status from the dropdown menu. Options may include "Prospect," "Disqualified," "Customer," "Cancelled," or others based on your CRM setup.

    4. Submit the Form: Click on the submit button to add the contact.

    How to Manage Existing Contacts in Employee CRM

    1. Access the Manage Contacts Page:

  • Log in to your Employee CRM account.
  • Click on the "Manage Contacts" option from the top navigation bar.
  • 2. Viewing Contact Information: Upon entering "Manage Contacts," you'll see a list of all existing contacts within a table. The table displays the following information for each contact:

  • Email: The contact's primary email address.
  • Mobile Phone: The contact's mobile phone number.
  • Status: Indicates the current status of the contact (e.g. Prospect, Disqualified, Customer, Cancelled).
  • CVR / TAXID: Displays the contact's relevant tax identification number.
  • Ad Protection: Shows whether ad protection is enabled for the contact.
  • 3. Searching for Specific Contacts:

  • To find a particular contact quickly, use the filtering options above the contact list.
  • Use the search bar to filter contacts by name, email, or status.
  • After entering your filter criteria, click the "SEARCH" button to display the filtered results.
  • Editing or Deleting a Contact:

  • Editing a Contact: Click the "Edit" (pencil icon) button next to the contact you want to modify. This will open the contact's details, allowing you to update their information. Make your changes, then click the 'Update' button to save them.
  • Deleting a Contact: Click the "Delete" (X icon) button next to the contact you want to remove. Confirm the deletion when prompted. Please note that deleting a contact is permanent and cannot be undone.
  • Employee CRM

    Manage Sales

    This is where you control and improve your sales process.
    Here’s what you can do:

  • Deals: Track your sales from start to finish. See how each sale is going.
  • Emails: Save and find all your sales emails in one place.
  • Calls: Record and review every sales call.
  • Notes: Write down important information, set reminders, and keep track of tasks.
  • How to Manage Your Deals in Employee CRM

    Deals tab provides a snapshot of all your sales opportunities. You can see the date, who logged the deal, its current stage, the potential value, and any relevant comments or attached files.

    Here's how it works:

    1. Getting to Deals:Click on the "Manage Sales" tab in the top navigation bar. Select "Deals" from the manage sales dropdown menu.

    2. Viewing Your Deals:The Deals table displays a list of all your sales opportunities. Each row represents a separate deal, and the columns provide key information:

  • Date: Shows when the deal was added.
  • Logged By: Shows who added this deal.
  • Deal Stage: Shows where the deal currently is (e.g. New, Proposal Sent, Appointment Scheduled).
  • Deal Amount: Shows the potential value of the deal.
  • Comments: Add any notes or updates about the deal.
  • File: Upload any related documents.
  • 3. Filtering Your Deals:Use the "Loggedby" dropdown menu above the Deals table to filter and display deals managed by a specific team member. Select "All" to view all deals.

    4. Adding a New Deal:Enter the relevant details in the empty row at the top of the table. Click the "ADD" button to create the new deal.

    5. Updating an Existing Deal:To change the details of an existing deal, click the "Edit" button located at the end of the deal row.

    6. Deleting an Existing Deal:To remove a deal completely, click the "Delete" button located at the end of the deal row. Confirm the deletion when prompted.

    How to Manage Your Emails in Employee CRM

    The Emails tab provides a record of email activities related to your sales deals.

    Here's how it works:

    1. Getting to Emails:Click on "Manage Sales" at the top of the page, then select "Emails" from the manage sales dropdown menu.

    2. Viewing Your Emails:The Emails tab displays a table with the following columns:

  • Date: When the email activity occurred.
  • Comments: A brief description of the email or action (e.g., Proposal sent, Received confirmation).
  • Logged By: The Fendous CRM user who recorded the activity.
  • Email: The email address involved.
  • 3. Filtering Emails: You can use the "Loggedby" dropdown menu above the Emails table to filter and display emails activity managed by a specific team member. Select "All" to view all emails activity.

    4. Adding an Email Activity:Enter the relevant details in the empty row at the top of the table. Click the "ADD" button to create the new email activity.

    5. Updating an Email Activity:To change the details of an existing email activity, click the "Edit" button located at the end of the email row.

    6. Deleting an Email Activity:To remove an email activity completely, click the "Delete" button located at the end of the email row. Confirm the deletion when prompted.

    How to Manage Your Calls in Employee CRM

    The Calls tab helps you keep track of all your sales calls.

    Here's how it works:

    1. Getting to Calls:Click on "Manage Sales" at the top of the page, then select "Calls" from the dropdown menu.

    2. Viewing Your Calls: You'll see a list of all your calls associated with your sales deals. Each row represents a different call activity.

  • Date: The date the call took place or is scheduled for.
  • Call Type: Categorize your calls (e.g. First Outreach, Demo and Presentation, Follow-up).
  • Call Outcome: Record the result of the call (e.g. Connected, Busy, No Answer).
  • Comments: Add notes about the call's content, key takeaways, or action items.
  • Logged By: Shows which user logged the call. This is important for team responsibility.
  • 3. Filtering Calls: You can use the "Loggedby" dropdown menu above the Calls table to filter and display calls activity made by a specific team member. Select "All" to view all calls activity.

    4. Adding a Call Activity:Enter the relevant details in the empty row at the top of the table. Click the "ADD" button to create the new call activity.

    5. Updating a Call Activity: To change the details of an existing call activity, click the "Edit" button located at the end of the call row.

    6. Deleting a Call Activity: To remove a call activity completely, click the "Delete" button located at the end of the call row. Confirm the deletion when prompted.

    How to Manage Your Notes in Employee CRM

    The Notes tab within Employee Manage Sales allows you to view, search, and manage all notes related to your sales activities.

    Here's how it works:

    1. Getting to Notes:Click on "Manage Sales" at the top of the page, then select "Notes" from the dropdown menu.

    2. Viewing Your Notes:You'll see a list of all your notes associated with your sales deals. Each row represents a different note activity.

  • Date: The date the note was created.
  • Notes: The content of the note.
  • Attachment: Allows you to attach a file to the note.
  • Logged By: The user who created the note.
  • 3. Filtering Notes: You can use the "Loggedby" dropdown menu above the Notes table to filter and display notes activity managed by a specific team member. Select "All" to view all notes activity.

    4. Adding a Note Activity: Enter the relevant details in the empty row at the top of the table. Click the "ADD" button to create the new note activity.

    5. Updating a Note Activity: To change the details of an existing note activity, click the "Edit" button located at the end of the note row.

    6. Deleting a Note Activity: To remove a note activity completely, click the "Delete" button located at the end of the note row. Confirm the deletion when prompted.

    Account Management

    Logging Out

    To ensure the security of your data and prevent unauthorized access, it's important to log out of Fendous CRM when you're finished using the system.

    How to Log Out:

    Locate and click on the Logout button. You'll find logout button at the top of the page. You will be redirected to the Fendous CRM home page, indicating you have successfully logged out.

    Important Notes:

    Remember to log out after every session, especially when using a shared or public computer. If you remain inactive on Fendous CRM for an extended period, the system may automatically log you out as a security precaution.